
Ralph Lauren soon accepts cryptos and plane NFT collection

American fashion brand and retailer Ralph Lauren has announced that it will accept cryptocurrencies. Continue Reading

Subway is testing Bitcoin payments

Subway is one of the biggest franchising retailers in the world. Maybe even the biggest.

This giant is now testing bitcoin payments. Continue Reading

MCDONALDS IN LUGANO, SWITZERLAND now accepts bitcoin payments

Actually, it’s not just McDonalds, it’s the entire city with many different businesses.
Plan ₿ Foundation, a joint initiative Continue Reading

Chipotle accepts cryptocurrencies as payment

The Mexican food chain Chipotle with established presence in USA, UK, Canada, Germany, and France implemented the feature in their POS systems to pay with cryptos. Continue Reading

Crypto payment is becoming popular in retail

After Gucci and TAG Heuer, the French fashion major Balenciaga will now also accept crypto payments. This is just showing that crypto is getting really popular among retailers. Continue Reading

Walmart is planning own cryptocurrency

Walmart is planning their own crypto currency and getting ready for the digital race. Continue Reading

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